Monday, July 28, 2014

Trying To Return To Some Form of Normalcy

I am beyond ready for 2014 to be over and done with.  It has been nothing by rough seas since pretty much the beginning.  I have done everything I can to try to keep even keel, with not a whole heck of a lot of luck.  In order to return to semi normal, I will be enjoying the Denver Half marathon again.  It is not the most exciting race, but I really don’t care.  It is a comfortable race for me and right about now, that is what I need. 
Here is to Day 1 of training!
Monday – Rest (awesome way to start training!)
Tuesday – 3 mile run
Wednesday – Cross training or 2 mile run, or both! (probably will hit the pool)
Thursday – 3 miles again
Friday – Rest
Saturday – 30 minute cross
Sunday – 4 miles

Do not let what you can not do; interfere with what you can do.
–John Wooden