I can’t help but to think about the past two years. The ups and downs and downs and downs and ups
and downs have been more than one person can handle. Luckily, I have never been alone. I have had family going through this
nightmare with me and I have had friends who have helped keep my head up. I am not exactly sure where the family ends
and the friends begin because I have non-blood family and blood friends.

At the beginning of the year I set goals for myself, little
did I know that this year would continue the issues from last year.
In order to compensate for everything I
pushed myself to the point of injury.
Fortunately, I did not push myself into a full-fledged flare (I have
been in a flare for the better part of the year, but I have been able to work
around it).
At the end of August my body
finally forced me to stop and I ended up in a walking boot due to an ankle injury,
but I am now free!
I won’t say I am back
at square one as far as training is concerned, because I am not.
I have more knowledge now than I had when I
originally started any of my training.
have learned, hopefully I will actually start listening to my body before it
gets to the point of breaking.
I have
accomplished one of my goals for this year, graduate, and I would have done so
with suma cum laude, if the school actually did that but it doesn’t.
I have started enjoying life again, but there
is still a degree of sadness in my heart.
I try to celebrate my dad and his life as often as possible.
Whenever I get done I try to remember things
my dad did that would make us laugh.
Love, I can honestly I am finally falling in
love with myself.
I am proud of who I am
becoming, flaws and all.
As far as
training goes, my goals have changed significantly.
I have three 5Ks coming up through the end of
the year and I could give a rats tush if I have to walk the whole way, there is
nothing wrong with walking races for the simple fact I am out there, I am
trying and I am having fun!
The biggest thing over the past two years is strength. You honestly have no idea how truly strong
you are until you have no other choice.
Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
–Swami Sivananda