Monday, June 24, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

March and April were pretty good months.  Sadly, my lupus got jealous and wreaked havoc on my knees and shoulders, or I guess I should say it wreaked even more havoc on my shoulders and knees (I have had issues with these two parts for a LONG time).  I was up to 25 minutes of non-stop running (Week 7, Day 3 of the 10K Runner program). Now I am back down to Week 1, Day 1, but the thing is I refuse to give up.  This morning I actually made it to the boxing class at the gym.  I had to modify most of the warm up, and I could not take out all my aggression out on the bag like I really enjoy doing, but I did feel good when I walked out of the room.  I have to be very carefully with the hooks (those were pissing off my shoulders no matter how light I would hit the bag).  After the boxing class little man and I went up to the treadmill and did 25 minutes (5 minutes warm up, 15 minutes of 1 min run/1 ½ min walk, 5 minutes cool down).  Little man enjoyed going his pace and I went my pace (surprise, surprise he beat me!!!!)
What all this boils down to is I refuse to give up, there are days I might think it is a good idea, but I still won’t do it.  I don’t care how many steps I take back I will keep fighting to go forward! 
On a side note… for the past seven years I have been slowly working on my bachelor’s degree, graduation was last Saturday (which was stupid), today I officially graduated cum laude!

Do not let what you can not do; interfere with what you can do.
–John Wooden

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lupie Training

After my flare up last year I have had to take a major step back with my racing life and start over at square one.  I started off great, I was enjoying MMA class, I was back on the treadmill, I was lifting weights, I was rocking it!  Apparently my lupus didn’t like that, all of a sudden my shoulders, wait, my big toe went nuts which made my doc worry about gout, luckily the test came back negative.  Then my shoulders so there goes boxing and swimming, then my knees (primarily my left) went nuts to the point it buckles backwards, my energy has plummeted – again! 

I knew this year would be a recovery year, but I didn’t realize how pissy this stupid disease was going to be.  On the days I can barely walk I try to make it to the pool to at least do something, some days I am actually able to get some miles in outside, but my family won’t let me go out by myself.  Luckily, one of my kiddos LOVES running so when my body actually lets me do some miles I have someone who will not only go with me he also cheers me on (I am horribly slow these days!).  

I understand this disease is unpredictable, I understand that this disease can be debilitating.  For better or worse I am not very understanding and I sure the hell am not very obedient!  I actually thought about trying to get my half fanatic this year, but my best bud lupie has made it very clear that it is NOT going to happen!  I do have a race later this year and (God bless kiddo) I am hoping my lupus does not get in the way.  If it does maybe little man will push my wheelchair so we can still do it!!!!!