Monday, June 24, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

March and April were pretty good months.  Sadly, my lupus got jealous and wreaked havoc on my knees and shoulders, or I guess I should say it wreaked even more havoc on my shoulders and knees (I have had issues with these two parts for a LONG time).  I was up to 25 minutes of non-stop running (Week 7, Day 3 of the 10K Runner program). Now I am back down to Week 1, Day 1, but the thing is I refuse to give up.  This morning I actually made it to the boxing class at the gym.  I had to modify most of the warm up, and I could not take out all my aggression out on the bag like I really enjoy doing, but I did feel good when I walked out of the room.  I have to be very carefully with the hooks (those were pissing off my shoulders no matter how light I would hit the bag).  After the boxing class little man and I went up to the treadmill and did 25 minutes (5 minutes warm up, 15 minutes of 1 min run/1 ½ min walk, 5 minutes cool down).  Little man enjoyed going his pace and I went my pace (surprise, surprise he beat me!!!!)
What all this boils down to is I refuse to give up, there are days I might think it is a good idea, but I still won’t do it.  I don’t care how many steps I take back I will keep fighting to go forward! 
On a side note… for the past seven years I have been slowly working on my bachelor’s degree, graduation was last Saturday (which was stupid), today I officially graduated cum laude!

Do not let what you can not do; interfere with what you can do.
–John Wooden

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