This is SOOOOO far of the topic of racing or training… If given the chance would you attempt to rekindle a flame that was doused long before it had a chance to run its course or do you say what is in the past belongs in the past?
I understand that people can change, hell, I am proof of that! When faced with the question of seeing what is possible later down the road do you jump at the opportunity or run? Don’t getting me wrong, when I say jump at the opportunity I guess the better wording is stick your toe in the water and check it out. I have to say a lot of it would probably have a lot to do with the background story. I will openly admit I have made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life; most of them I am not proud of, but I am not ashamed of them either. It is those mistakes that make us who we are. I see people who are in the middle of making some of the same stupid mistakes I made years ago, all I want to do is run up to them, grab their shoulders and scream at them that they are making a huge mistake and if they would just pause a moment they would see that. BUT I know it is better to keep my mouth shut because it is a lesson they probably really need to learn. We all need those lessons, how else are we going to be able to look back and laugh at ourselves.
If nothing else it is always nice to get a new friend, assuming the history does not prevent that!

Do not let what you can not do; interfere with what you can do.
–John Wooden
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