Monday, November 10, 2014

What doesn't kill you???

Less than two months left until 2014 has finally concluded.  I don’t think I have seen more downs and well, downs in one year.  But this has taught me how incredible strong my family is, and I am not just talking about blood. 
Due to my dad being in the hospital I did not attend Denver.  My dad wouldn’t stop apologizing for “making” me miss my race.  Once my dad finally got out of the hospital I figured I would go out on a limb and contact the race directors to see if there was any way I could get my bib and do sort of a virtual run for my dad.  Two weeks later I not only received my bib I also received my medal.  I have mapped out a 13.1 mile course that I will be running and my dad will have easy access to the “finish” and I will be able to give him the medal.  To make the whole situation even more magical I have an incredible group of people who have volunteered to cheer me on along the course!  I am not sure I will be able to finish with a dry eye!
The initial down of the year has, for the most part, been resolved.  There are certain aspects of it that haven’t and I am not sure it will.  But that is just a part of life.  Number two down I wish I could say is all better and things are peachy but I will not be able to say that; there is no happy solution.  Number three is clearly going to run into 2015 and probably further on for many years but hopefully we will have an understanding of the cause before the year is out. 
Besides the Denver bib, which I am still planning my “race day”, there haven’t been any other races this year.  My racing has seemed to have fallen by the wayside, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be remedied next year.  I have a goal for 2015 and damn it I will succeed! 

Do not let what you can not do; interfere with what you can do.
–John Wooden

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