Thursday, September 20, 2012

This is so relaxing!

Today was a busy day!  Last night my sister came up at around 10 pm to let me know the washing machine crapped out and she needed some laundry done.  As a good house sister I told her not to worry about, I will get it washed today.  This morning I called my mom to ask her if I can use her washer and dryer and, like a good mom, she said yes! I got over there about 9 am, with an offering of Starbucks! I had a 10:00 appointment at the VA so I headed out shortly after starting the load.  My doc person (she is a nurse practitioner) was running a little late, but I didn’t mind because she is not one of those people who comes in, gives you 5 minutes and then leaves.  I told her I had a shopping list of stuff, and we went item by item.  I got a lot of information and a lot of stuff taken care of.  Then I was off to pick up some medical paperwork so little man can go to camp in a couple of weeks.  By the time I got back to my mom’s house (with lunch!) she had started the second load for me already (see! A good mom!!!!).  Turns out I brought over about three loads (ok, I am sure I could have done it in two, but I always pack the poor machine!).  Luckily I got finished with enough time to hit the pool before my kids came home. 

As I was walking back and forth the guy in the lane next to me makes a comment about how relaxing it was.  I smiled and nodded, I wasn’t going to tell him my real opinion of walking in the pool.  Relaxing my butt!!! Let me run, let me swim laps those are relaxing! Ok, fine, those are relaxing when they don’t cause extreme pain! The only reason I am walking is to try to get my body to get out of this stupid flare (isn’t working to well).  As I am walking I do let my mind wonder, which does help my mental state, but I want to do more!  I have to keep it slow if I want to get back to running and swimming, I have to listen to my body!

Tomorrow is more walking, I would like to hit the yoga class with Beth, but I am not sure I will make it.  I trust Beth because she is also a yoga therapist and will help me modify the poses.  Or I might wait until next Wednesday and take her gentle yoga class.  I will see how I am feeling in the morning!

I am still waiting on my grades, yes, I am very impatient! I want to know my grades NOW!!!!!!!!!!!


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