Sunday, December 9, 2012

One mile

For the past month I have been struggling to get to some resemblance of my old training plan.  I remember walking in the gym thinking it is a light day because I only have 6 miles on the books or hitting the trails with 15 miles.  I am excited that I am at one mile!  I have worked my way up to 20 minutes on the treadmill some days I barely complete a mile in the time, but I get it done. 
This image is missing one of my treadill sessions, my iPod was acting up on Wed.  I did an additional 1.26 miles on Wed.
This next week I am up to a whole 25 minutes! I know it doesn’t sound like much, but trust me, I am very excited! I am also going to try to mix it up a little. I have been pretty good about making it to the gym four times a week, by Friday I am tired so I take a quiet day and then the weekend I am running around with the kids I just don’t make it in.  This week, depending on how I feel (FREEZING cold out), I plan on changing up my Tuesday/Thursday workouts. I am going to try to make it back to Tony’s class on Tuesday morning and Thursday I am hoping for a yoga class.  We will see. 

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