Monday, December 31, 2012


It is New Year’s Eve, I guess I should take a moment too reflect on the 2012.  It has been a very bumpy year, but I learned a very valuable lesson… I am a very strong person and am capable of handling anything.  Ok, I need to lean on others from time to time, but that is ok.  When I started having major issues I had an amazing group of people circle around me and provide me the support I needed to be strong. 

2013 is going to be a good year!  I read somewhere about writing a positive thing about the day every day.  There is always something positive in each day, sometimes it is harder than others, but it is there. I am not going to set any resolutions because they just get broken, but I do have a goal… I want to complete 201.3 miles this year.  Yes, the number is low but as I sit here and type this I am starting to feel the effects of my pain pills kick in.  I know a couple of years ago I could have done that in less than two months, but that was then and this is now. 


Happy New Year to everyone!   

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