Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I have been taking boxing/kickboxing classes for the past two weeks.  In a way these classes are a major metaphor for my life right now.  I had been flaring most of last year but it didn’t go full blown until around August.  I spent the better part of October relying on a wheelchair to get me from point A to point B.  November I started feeling like a human again, but still not doing well.  December I little better but I was still fighting like hell to be “normal” again.  During this time thanks (in part) to my medicine I managed to pack on some serious weight.  My rheumy changed my meds and my PC told me to get off the gluten and January I hit a turning point (except for the strep throat).  I was getting to the gym on a regular basis, not pushing too hard, but happy to be back up and moving.  The beginning of this month I upped my game plan.  Every even day I would swim and odd days I would “run”, I would take one day off a week for recovery and I would try something new!  That new is my boxing and kickboxing, well tomorrow I am giving Zumba a shot, but I really love getting into a spat with the heavy bag!  It occurred to me that the heavy bag is lupus and every time I kick it or punch it I am showing lupus who the boss is!

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