Saturday, December 6, 2014

Running Attire (skirts) for the Big and Beautiful!

As a fluffy individual I find it very difficult to find running attire that not only fits but does not accentuate my ass-ets!  I have come to accept how I look (for the time being) and I understand that typically “fat” people don’t run, luckily me and a number of my fluffy friends aren’t fat!
When I first started running distance I ordered a Skirt Sports skirt, I tried skirt after skirt and well, they didn’t fit me right.  So I gave up on them.  Then I went to Running Skirts, I LOVE the fact their capris come with drawstrings.  I was actually able to keep them in place!  Sadly, I had an unpleasant experience with them ONCE and have not brought myself to forgive them.  Wait, I can’t say that.  I do go to their site from time to time to see if they have anything that blows me away and makes me forgive them.  A few years ago, my dear friend Lynne introduced me to Sparkle Skirts, she gave me the NeonLuv as a thank you gift.  The first time I wore it to the gym I was a little hesitant that I would actually stay put.  With no drawstring I was sure it would bounce down and from past experience I was sure the legs would ride up.  Much to my extreme happiness everything stayed exactly where it was supposed to.  I went on to buy a number more and I have been happy with each and every purchase!  
 Recently, I have wanted something a little different.  I was over the moon to find out that Skirt Sports has realized that there is an untapped market in the larger size women but there are certain things we really appreciate, drawstrings are always a good thing! I got some (skirtless) capris and they came with drawstrings!!!!!!  Then I was in a mood and ordered a Vixen Capri Skirt and a Heartbreaker Skirt.  I can’t tell you how much I LOVE the vixen capri skirt!  It fits well, it has a drawstring, it is COMFY!!!!! I can wear it where ever I am going on my errands, it is wonderful!  The heartbreaker skirt broke my heart.  It is to low cut for someone with a

There is a VERY strong market for both male and female running gear that has not been fully tapped.  If I actually had any interest in fashion design I would definitely  try to get into the fitness apparel market. 

Do not let what you can not do; interfere with what you can do.
–John Wooden

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