Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Taking Things for Granted

Over the past week we have had three good snow storms.  Since Thursday ended up being a snow day for the kids and well, I wasn’t going to go anywhere which meant I would have to miss daily visit to the gym.  The law here requires snow removed from sidewalk within 24 hours of the snow stopping, so I figured I would I get my workout done by shoveling the snow! Last night we had a pseudo blizzard which messed up my shoveling job, so I was back out there this morning getting the snow off the sidewalk. Back in the fall the leaves were falling by the bucket, after Halloween my kids and I were racking up the leaves.  I could do two rake strokes and then I had to sit down.  My kids had to do most of the work because the stupid flare up would not let me.  I was happy to spend a half hour shoveling the snow.  When I was done, I came inside changed into dry warm clothes and happily continued on with my day.  This morning after re-shoveling, I hopped in my vehicle and headed off to my day full of appointments. 

I hate that I was so sick for so long, but in a way I am glad I was.  I had the opportunity to fight like hell to do menial simple everyday things, and now that I can do them almost like a normal person it makes me feel like I am doing so much more. 

Above my current physical level, I still can’t say enough about my family.  There is no way I would be able to stand on my feet like I have been.  My kids have gone above and beyond being my little doctors/therapist (my younger kid loves setting up my TENS unit).  My sister has been my rock, my strength, she has been sister to me and mom to my kids.  My friends have been amazing emotional support and knowing they are there and offering to help means the world!


Monday, February 25, 2013


I realize I am three days early, but I am going to say that I rocked February!  My goal for February was to swim on even days and “run” on odd days. I had four off days this month, I didn’t “swim” necessarily each day I was supposed to, there were swim days that I pool walked.  Wednesday ended up being neither swim nor run days because of kickboxing and yoga, but Thursday got both activities (except when it blizzard!). 

This is the third week that I have had boxing/kickboxing on the schedule, unfortunately today boxing was cancelled so I had to be flexible.  I did Week 1, Day 1 of the C25K again (I had it on the wrong workout), then a half hour on the elliptical machine, followed up with 35 minutes of random hills on the treadmill.  I got my hour and a half in, but I didn’t get my boxing.

Tomorrow is an official weigh in for the 90-day challenge at my gym, I will be using tomorrow’s weight as my official end of month weight for February.  January I lost 4.9, this month I am hoping for a bigger number.  But as long as it is going in the right direction I will be happy. 

My official numbers will be posted on Thursday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I have been taking boxing/kickboxing classes for the past two weeks.  In a way these classes are a major metaphor for my life right now.  I had been flaring most of last year but it didn’t go full blown until around August.  I spent the better part of October relying on a wheelchair to get me from point A to point B.  November I started feeling like a human again, but still not doing well.  December I little better but I was still fighting like hell to be “normal” again.  During this time thanks (in part) to my medicine I managed to pack on some serious weight.  My rheumy changed my meds and my PC told me to get off the gluten and January I hit a turning point (except for the strep throat).  I was getting to the gym on a regular basis, not pushing too hard, but happy to be back up and moving.  The beginning of this month I upped my game plan.  Every even day I would swim and odd days I would “run”, I would take one day off a week for recovery and I would try something new!  That new is my boxing and kickboxing, well tomorrow I am giving Zumba a shot, but I really love getting into a spat with the heavy bag!  It occurred to me that the heavy bag is lupus and every time I kick it or punch it I am showing lupus who the boss is!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Last week I was rocking it in the gym.  Monday mornings are my weigh-in days. Well, I put on a pound! A pound!!!!! I did some sort of boxing three times (an hour each time), I hit the treadmill four times (at least 35 minutes), spin class, yoga, pool walking.  This is stupid! The good thing is, I am feeling better so I am not too concerned about my weigh in (I measure on the first of the month).  It is just on the frustrating side.   This week my goal is to track my food closely, I eat pretty healthy, but it still might be the problem. 

With that griping over, I am overly ecstatic to say yesterday I did my first 5k in more than six months! I was slow, but I did it! The gym I go to is having this 90-day transformation and on Tuesday they kicked it off with a 5k.  I am not sure about my back yet so I chose not to do it.  I spoke with this wonderful personal trainer and I explained why I didn’t do it and he told me I could go ahead and do it on the treadmill, so I did.  I was actually nervous before I started.  I wasn’t sure I was I would be able to do it.  Not only did the 5K make it on my big accomplishments list, after the miles I put in yesterday I have now completed more miles this month (so far) than I have since August, which I might add were mostly bike miles.  I can’t wait to see how many more miles will be completed this month!

Tomorrow is spinning and pool time (and my sister’s birthday!!!), Wednesday – jury duty.  :(

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I am training for… NOTHING!!!!!!

Ok, I guess I could say I am training for life, but I am kind of enjoying knowing I am not really training for anything.  If I want to skip spin class and go to kickboxing instead, I can! It is a really nice feeling.  I am not saying training for something isn’t nice, because it is.  The feeling of toeing the line after months of training followed by crossing the finish line and getting the pretty hardware is unexplainable. 

For the past six months or so I have my mobility has been such that I can’t really do anything.  I have been bed ridden, I have been stuck in a wheel chair, I have packed on 20+ pounds in one month alone, it is has been a really difficult.  I realize I have a long journey back to the living, and I am trying to make it as fun as possible.  I want to try new things, when I get off this detour I want to be able to look back and stand with my head held high knowing how strong I was to fight my way back. 

I am sore today after yesterday’s boxing class and today’s spin class, it fees wonderful. I know when I get back to racing I will be in better shape than I have been in the past decade.  Instead of focusing on swimming, biking and running I am focusing on me.  Focusing on getting in shape and having fun doing so. 

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.   - Unknown

Monday, February 11, 2013

Kicking butt and taking names!

February has started off well.  We are now a week in and I am overly excited to report that I tried out a new class at the gym today.  I have always wanted to try out a kick boxing type class; well today I attended a boxing conditioning class.  The warm-up involved jump roping, which I must say I haven’t done since I was in grade school.  I was sweating before we were done with the warm-up! I have found two more classes this week that I want to check out; one of them is another boxing conditioning class, just has a different instructor. 

My goal has been on odd days to “run” and even days to hit the pool.  Last weekend I didn’t even look at the gym, this weekend my sister and I hit the pool.  Usually it is a waste of time for us to go to the pool at the same time.  I figured I would walk while she swam, well she decided to walk too.  Somehow we both got our workouts in.  Even after my boxing class this morning I still hit the treadmill, I spent my 35 minutes on the treadmill on hills. Tomorrow is spin class and yoga. 

I am back, I am ready to kick ass and take names!

Friday, February 1, 2013


I have been gluten free for almost a month now and I am not sure if it is the meds my rheumy put me the end of December or if it the gluten free diet, but I am starting to feel better.  I can move my hands without horrible pain (even with a cold front coming in) and the pain level in my hips has decreased.  Ok, my back is still hurting, but hey, I will take what I can get.  My PT has been working with my SI joint and nerve (trust me, there are many days I hate him during and after my appointment, but I know it is for the best).

Today is the start of February… my goal this month is to get 5 workouts in per week; even days are swimming days, odd days are “running”.  Tuesdays I am still shooting for spin class, Wednesday gentle yoga.  On the “run” days that I don’t have spinning or yoga will be weights day.

Here is to a good month!