I have wanted to attend a water aerobics class since I finally
started going back to the gym. Well, today I made it. It was a very educational experience for
me. I am sure not all water aerobics
classes are the same, so I can only judge the one class I attend. I started off on the wrong foot, I got to the
pool a little early so I could get some walking in. About a half hour before the class started these
two women got into the lane I was swimming/kicking in and started walking at
turtle pace side by side. They didn’t
even bother to ask if I minded sharing let alone have the courtesy to actually
share MY lane. I got to the point that I
was going to move lanes and they finally decide to move.
When all was said and done, my lower body really didn’t like
the class – the jumping around in the water was not a wise move. My core and upper body enjoyed the toning,
happily I am going to be sore tomorrow. My heart really hated it, I kept
looking over at the lap pool and up at the windows to the second floor wishing
I was there and not in the class.
I would have to say that one thing that would be nice to
attend is a water class for injured athletes.
I am not cut out for the pink haired water aerobics class. I think I will go back to my pool time and
try to get back to where I need to be.
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